Privacy Policy
Refund/Cancellation Policy
ApneLog offers a refund policy to the donors only in case there has been an error/technical reason for the transfer due to which donors have mistakenly made double payments or donated extra amount.
We will be happy to refund the donation provided the donor informs ApneLog via email/letter and claim his/her refund within 10 calendar days from the date of donation and can expect to receive the refund within 30 calendar days from the date, the request for return was made.
The information regarding the refund will be notified via email/letter with the complete details. The refund will be made by cheque on the name of the donating party only.
Please note that the refund will be done based on the current currency rates and all refunds will be made in INR only.
Donation Cancellation Fee – A donation cancellation fee of 2.5% will be deducted from the donation amount for all online transactions. A basic sum of money will be deducted for any other mode of donation (Cheques, Demand Drafts etc.) as handling charges.
In cases where the donation receipt has already been issued to the donor, the donor will have to return the original receipt to us at our office addresses.
If the tax exemption certificate is already issued, then we are sorry, but we will not be able to refund the donation. However, in case of a valid refund request due to any error on ApneLog’s part, ApneLog will refund the donation and bear the costs of the same.
Security and Privacy Policy
This privacy and security statement explain how personal, payment or other information communicated by you on or through the website is collected, protected and managed by ApneLog. Respecting and protecting your privacy are also of utmost importance to us.
We encourage you to read through the complete privacy and security statement including the section on Terms of Use.